Pumping gas into my car, a convertible beauty slowly passed, Pulling to the pump next to mine. Behind the wheel, a professional black man.Riding with him,a professional white man-a manikin holding a side-way sign: I…am…his…friend! @BerniceKing @shaunking

A Shock Therapy for Somalia

Djibouti Summit

It has been 60 years since the Italian Somaliland and the British Somaliland became independent from their respective colonial powers to form a union that miserably failed 30 years later. After a long ever-morphing saga of blood, destruction, and loss of identity Soomaalinimo (Somaliness), these two political entities, legally known as Somalia, have just concluded … Read more A Shock Therapy for Somalia

Ramadan Amidst The Coronavirus

Ramadan Amidst The Coronavirus

The gravity of the challenge that the world is facing today cannot be overstated. The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has affected people and nations across the world medically, financially, socially, politically, spiritually, and psychologically, beyond anything ever recorded since the dawn of time. This article will cover how the pandemic is affecting Muslims around the world, … Read more Ramadan Amidst The Coronavirus


LET IT SING: Abukar Arman

The weary wounded bird Laid flat on its back Trapped In an open cage Of a massive land Of a massive land Windless Songless Friendless Then rain started falling Changing the season And before long Hopelessness was no more. #Poetry4Change #NPM #NaPoWriMo2020